How Dental Implants Protect Oral Health


Missing teeth affect more than just your appearance. After you lose a tooth, you may have difficulty eating, speaking, or keeping the rest of your natural teeth.

Once you lose one tooth, you’re at higher risk for losing more. After tooth extraction, schedule a consultation with your dental implant dentist as soon as possible. A tooth implant looks and feels natural so you can smile with confidence. Continue reading to learn about the many ways that dental implants protect your oral health.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

Improve Nutrition

Eating your favorite foods shouldn’t be painful. If you experience pain or discomfort while eating, call your dentist. After tooth loss, it’s not uncommon for patients to eat soft foods. When you limit your diet to avoid tooth pain, you aren’t able to eat the nutrient-rich foods you need to stay healthy.

It’s important to understand how your oral health affects overall health. Your teeth, gums, and jawbones are part of a larger system. Not being able to eat a balanced diet can affect your bones, as well as increase your risk for tooth decay and jawbone deterioration.

Stop Further Tooth Loss

Your teeth are held in place by roots and surrounding teeth. This means that when you lose one tooth, you’re more at risk for losing subsequent teeth. The best way to stop tooth loss from getting worse is to ask your dentist if you’re a candidate for the dental implant procedure.

Dental implants prevent further tooth loss by supporting nearby teeth. By giving the other teeth in your smile something to lean on, they’re less likely to become loose and fall out. Teeth that have nothing to lean on begin to tilt toward the open space unless they’re stopped by dental implants.

Prevent Tooth Decay

Missing teeth put you at higher risk for tooth decay. It’s hard to properly brush and floss teeth when they’re leaning toward empty sockets. Also keep in mind that the empty sockets where teeth once were can trap food particles, bacteria, and plaque. Most oral health issues (like gum disease) are caused by untreated dental plaque. The best way to maintain good oral health is to replace missing teeth and practice good oral hygiene.

Prevent Jaw Deterioration

Unlike other tooth replacement options, a dental implant acts much like a natural tooth root to stimulate jawbone tissue. Your jawbone needs pressure from tooth roots to stay healthy. Otherwise, your jawbone will start to deteriorate and could even lead to facial collapse.

Many people with dentures experience jaw shrinkage, which drastically alters the shape of their face and overall appearance. The sooner you ask your dentist about dental implant surgery, the sooner you’ll be able to protect your oral health. Even if you don’t have sufficient jawbone tissue to support implants, your dentist may recommend a bone graft.

Our Holland dentist is dedicated to helping you achieve your best smile after tooth loss. We offer dental implants, bridges, and other tooth replacement options for your smile. To schedule your appointment, call VanSlambrouck Family Dentistry at (616) 394-4700.


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